Let’s not talk of skin disease for a moment. Let’s talk of physical looks or just feeling that you don’t look good enough. Believe it or not (despite what the naysayers say), aging, especially facial aging, results in a high rate of depression, often severe enough to cause suicidal thoughts and social anxiety.
I don’t judge, I present facts. Now, many will tell you that they don’t care about their looks, it’s just so vain and they are beyond physical beauty. Trust me, they are not. Even the most carefree person will feel a deep hurt when they see their first white hair or first wrinkle. They will deny it or hide it, but only they know what they feel inside.
Hey, it’s not about vanity, it’s about science. Let’s see what science and human evolution tells us. If you’ve read my Beauty Code, you will find this piece a little more on the edgy side, as I did want to address the more psychosocial aspects of facial aging that is also a trending topic on many social media platforms.

My point is because we are coded for pleasing things, then physical aging is bound to cause some kind of hurt on a primal level, buried deep in our subconscious mind. However much we fight it or deny it, facts state otherwise. Why do you think the beauty industry is a trillion-dollar one? Pure psychology. It’s a primal code. It’s not an easy one to fight.
The TRUTH is that AGING HURTS. It’s heart-breaking. It brings us closer to our last chapter. But most importantly, it’s not vanity but a human right to look and feel good. It’s your birth right to keep your mind and body happy, which ever method you select is your choice.
Let’s face it, seeing your loved one’s age both physically and mindfully is painful. It’s not about staying young or pretty or beautiful; it’s about a deep primal raw human emotion to feel good.

Aging is heart-breaking, so without going overboard, whatever path you select, to maintain inner and outer harmony is your birthright.
On the other hand, going to extreme measures to attain youth is also not constructive because then you enter into body dysmorphic syndromes. Hence, balanced life, balanced beauty, balance your thoughts. Accept the aging process as a part of life but don’t deny yourself physical joy. If looking your best provides you with mental joy – just do it!
The truth is aging that is heart-breaking so one must do all they can to stay young proactively. Our lifestyle, loves, passions, work, skincare (your largest tactile and emotional organ), living life to the fullest will all reflect on our mind-body-skin axis.
Experiencing joy in both physical and spiritual worlds is an optimal balance. Be proud of caring for yourself any which you chose. Don’t allow people to judge you for your choices. Aging gracefully means aging in way that pleases you, not the world.
These were my more derm-philosophical thoughts, I judge no one, or no lifestyle. I just believe we must do all we can to keep our spiritual-physiological worlds happy. We all know aging is inevitable but trying to maintain your looks will boost morale and raise self-confidence and may even ward off depression. It can be transformative and rewarding, and it’s most certainly NOT vanity.
You don’t need to set glossy magazine images of beauty as your ideal standard. That is NOT real, and it’s not healthy. Set your own standards of aging gracefully but don’t deny yourself of the pleasures that self-care can bring. It’s not vanity, it’s your skin-mind axis and it’s your primal birth right.
Don’t forget to look after the inner and outer sanctum, after all, your body is the temple of your soul where your mind and skin are the mirrors that reflect the inner processes externally. We need to strike a balance between all realms and learn to live life productively as long as we are living on earth.
Stay Safe Stay Informed,
Dr.Ansul Founder of Cuticonscious
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