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CBD Infused Green Brand Launched

The Cuticonscious Magic Touch This unique botanically-driven brand uses high percentages of CBD oil infused with skin-loving ingredients created using green chemistry in zero carbon

C-star regenerating serum

Launching of Asterias

The worlds first regenerative retinol mimetic has just been released into the world from Newport Beach, California, USA, October 2021.  Asterias C-Star Peptide Regenerating Serum™

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The Holiday ‘GLOW’ Factor

Expert Tips For Maintaining Flawless Skin Throughout The Holidays Get Moving A recent study at McMaster University in Canada demonstrated that regular exercise can help

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CBD Infused Green Brand Launched

The Cuticonscious Magic Touch This unique botanically-driven brand uses high percentages of CBD oil infused with skin-loving ingredients created using green chemistry in zero carbon

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Launching of Asterias

The worlds first regenerative retinol mimetic has just been released into the world from Newport Beach, California, USA, October 2021.  Asterias C-Star Peptide Regenerating Serum™

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The Holiday ‘GLOW’ Factor

Expert Tips For Maintaining Flawless Skin Throughout The Holidays Get Moving A recent study at McMaster University in Canada demonstrated that regular exercise can help

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Job Types
Dr. Ansul N Khan

Job Type and Skin Problems- Really?

Yep, you heard me right. You love your job, but you’ve noticed something peculiar. You tend to suffer from various skin issues, either chronic or acute since you’ve started working.

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Hair and Skin
Dr. Ansul N Khan

Hair Diaries

Hair Removal Methods – The Old & The New plus some A magnificent mane of hair crowning your face does wonders for self-confidence and over all well-being but unwanted hair

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Dr. Ansul N Khan

Do Botanicals Rule the World?

An evidence based report on the role of botanicals in sun damaged skin Naturals, phytochemicals, botanicals, bio-actives, herbals, you must have read all these words on your product labels. Botanicals

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Skin Care
Dr. Ansul N Khan

Not Skin Deep

How well do you know your skin ? Have you heard of a cleverly designed protective lining that insulates, helps maintain external and internal water balance and is vital to

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Dr. Ansul N Khan

AOs, AOs, where art thou AOs?

What are Anti-oxidants? You hear of these multi-talented, incredibly gifted, villain fighting superheroes in almost everything you read these days. Anti-oxidants (AOs) rule the skincare, supplement and food industry. What

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Dr. Ansul N Khan

Let’s talk Active Ingredients

The Legal Truths Simple… or not so much? Cosmetic preparations are limited to superficial and not therapeutic effects. Basically when we see the term ‘active‘ ingredient in a cosmetic product,

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Dr. Ansul N Khan

The Beauty Code and the Psychosocial Impact

An Evidence Based Overview Having a personable disposition and maintaining good manners are all considered positive and desirable attributes in human beings living in a civilized society. A deviation from

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Dr. Ansul N Khan

Exercise your way to Radiant Skin

A recent study conducted by the University of Ottawa concluded that it’s never too late to exercise, regardless of your age or the intensity level of physical activity. Exercise should

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